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The "proper" way to record a Turn of the Campaign

This is a step-by-step guide on how to do a turn in the campaign module.
Once you have created your campaign, loaded at least your fleet, stablished the starting bases and outposts and declared the assaults of the first turn...
  1. Play your game. During the battle, press the butons of each ship and squadron to mark them as veterans or scarred.
  2. In the Assaults tab, write down the results of each combat, including the resources gained from the special assaults.
  3. DO NOT MODIFY anything in the Systems tab yet!
  4. Go back to the Fleets tab.
  5. If a ship or squadron has been completely *destroyed*, or if you are going to *scrap* a ship, squadron or upgrade, do it now:
    1. Press the credits button. You will be redirected to the fleet edition screen.
    2. DELETE the destroyed elements, or those you want to scrap. DO NOT BUY any upgrade, ship or squadron.
    3. SAVE the fleet in the usual way and come back to this campaign screen.
    4. Some of the values for the spent resources may be incorrect. In that case press the Reset button.
  6. Repair scarred ships and squadrons:
    1. Press the refit button.
    2. Press on each of the scarred buttons of those ships and squadrons you want to repair. The app will update the refit and resources points spent.
    3. Once finished with the repairs, press again the refit button.
  7. Press the  button shipyards if you are going to spend points to establish a base.
  8. If you want to improve your fleet, press the credits button again:
    1. Now you are in the usual fleet edition screen.
    2. Notice that the fleet point limit has been updated with the resources available to this player (it can go above 500 points. It's your responsibility to keep your fleet under that limit).
    3. Do the changes to the fleet.
    4. When finished, save the fleet in the usual way and go back to this campaign screen.
    5. The fleet and the resources spent have been updated according to your changes.
    6. Recheck that the veteran and scarred status are correct.
    7. If everything looks fine, press button "Finished". This will generate a new turn with a copy of the new fleet, and any leftover resources.
  9. In the Systems tab (make sure you are modifying the new turn), destroy those bases and outposts in those systems where the assault was successful and add the new bases and outposts for the new turn.
  10. Now you are ready to declare the assaults for the new turn!


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